
Servant leadership in diverse contexts essay
Servant leadership in diverse contexts essay

servant leadership in diverse contexts essay servant leadership in diverse contexts essay

Indeed, majority of the existing literature relating to servant leadership explores this type of leadership in the Christian context ( Engstrom 1976 Whitehead and Whitehead 1992 Nouwen 1989 Lavery 2009) as well as organizational, educational, spiritual, religious, and cultural settings ( Abdalla and Al-Homoud 2001 Bekis 2006 Jogulu and Wood 2008 Jogulu 2010 Ayranci and Semercioz 2011 Hage and Posner 2015). The question of servant leadership and the desire to serve others has become a central and enduring quest for scholars and practitioners of leadership. In addition to making a vital contribution to the scarce literature on Muslim women’s perspectives, this article provides stakeholders with a comprehensive set of issues which may evoke favorable/unfavorable perceptions and offers insight to direct improvement efforts in addressing these issues. Findings show disparities between women and men and demonstrate the fact that Muslim women do benefit from Imam’s leadership, services, and resources offered in Mosque however, the benefits to women are disproportionate and different from men. The study consists of 8 long interviews with Muslim women, and conceptualizes sources of servant leadership in the context of Mosque by investigating Muslim women’s perceptions of the Imam’s leadership style The emerging taxonomy illuminates five categories and fifteen sub-categories of Muslim women’s perceived servant leadership origin, relating to the impact Imam and Mosque have on: (1) Serviceability, (2) masculinity, (3) community, (4) accessibility, and (5) inclusivity. Now with followership leadership it mainly consist of a non-performer or person with no personal drive to think on their own or make their own decisions.This research provides an exploratory analysis of how Muslim women perceive servant leadership in the context of Mosque. Just to retouch of these types of leadership is that servant leadership is a type of leadership that develops future leaders to eventually replace you. In conclusion the compare and differences of followership and servant type leadership is wildly different and both used quite often. Than a follower who is happy being in a static position with no point of progression in the Army. Therefore, in today’s Army having a servant leadership mentality will push you further. The other follows just to follow and never takes the lead or have a purpose other than roger that. The differences between these two are vast as in where one follows to become a future leader.

Servant leadership in diverse contexts essay how to#

You cannot be a great inspirational leader unless you are a great follower, but nowhere in our doctrine is there a publication with good advice on how to be a great follower. Nevertheless, very rarely do we focus on how to be a good subordinate, though there are different sets of skills to be successful at both. The Army spends a lot of time discussing ways to develop leadership. The term “Everybody has a boss.” Is a perfect way to describe what a followership leader is? This is true for the Army every Army leader, regardless of rank or echelon, is also a follower.

Servant leadership in diverse contexts essay